The Everything Guide to Selling Arts and Crafts Online

Ready to sell your courses online? This guide will walk yous through how to brand money by selling your digital products. If you lot haven't nonetheless made your class, head over to our complete guide on creating online courses.

Why should you create and sell courses online?

Considering at that place are people who want your expertise … and there'southward money to be made! Online courses and e-learning are a massive opportunity:

  • The due east-learning market place is expected to be worth $325 billion past 2025.
  • Digital teaching and east-learning had more than than $46 billion in sales in 2018 (the about recent year we have data for).
  • Global e-learning and course consumption has increased dramatically during the pandemic and many experts expect that to continue.

Is selling online courses profitable? With those numbers and the right know-how, it definitely is. Selling online courses can be a source of passive income once you have an established client base.

Your online course tin too serve as a marketing tool and strengthen connections with your clients. Employ your online course to show people what your brand is near. Bear witness them what makes you meliorate than the competition. Build stiff relationships and picket how loyalty and advancement for your grade grows.

The best news is that everyone can create and sell online courses. All you need is some knowledge and the power to speak on a subject with passion.

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1. Cull a subject that sells

According to a recent study, 42% of entrepreneurs fail because at that place is no market for their product. To get a better idea of what types of online courses sell, take a look at some of the peak reasons why people purchase them:

  • Wanting to gain knowledge for a career change or when commencement starting a career
  • Getting certified in a subject to boost their career opportunities
  • Continuing teaching
  • Academic prep
  • Simply wanting to learn a new skill or subject.

It should come every bit no surprise that the highest-selling courses are ofttimes career-related. Here is a shortlist of some of the most assisting online course subjects:

  • Computers and technology
  • Business and entrepreneurship
  • Craft
  • Health and fettle
  • Education
  • Writing
  • Lifestyle/personal evolution
  • Coming of age
  • Amusement
  • Social science
  • Scientific discipline and math.

These are broad subjects. Y'all should try to find a more niche topic within these subject matters.

For instance, in arts and crafts, y'all could create an online class on using social media to promote an Etsy store. Or in computers and technology, you could teach a beginner'southward course on coding. More on choosing your niche in the side by side section.

ii. Create your online grade

man films himself teaching an online course

At present nosotros'll go over the basics of online course cosmos. For the most in-depth look at what yous'll need to do, head over to our complete guide to creating online courses.

Hone in on a specific subject

The first stride yous should accept when creating your online course involves figuring out what specific subject you will teach.

Some tips for choosing the right subject include:

  • Choosing a focused and niche topic rather than a broad one. Having a broad topic usually means more contest. The more than focused your niche, the easier information technology is to convey expertise.
  • Having good-level knowledge. Go on in mind, being an adept on a topic might mean you have better-than-boilerplate knowledge. You don't accept to exist a genius or accept traditional credentials.
  • Knowing who your audition is, what their problems are, and how yous tin can teach them to solve those bug.

Go the right gear

After choosing a specific subject field for your online class, it's time to start making information technology. Yous'll want to keep production levels pretty loftier. Remember, people are going to pay adept coin for your class. Your courses should exist amend quality than what you'd get with an average YouTube vlog.

To commencement, yous'll need:

  • A good HD photographic camera . The Canon VIXIA or Sony CX405 are both cracking options.
  • Lighting. You don't want information technology to look like you are recording in a bunker. Shop around for professional lighting. Lighting rings are a cheap and effective way to light yourself for online course videos. Y'all might likewise consider a studio lighting kit on Amazon, which will have everything you need and costs around $100.
  • Editing software like Wevideo or Renderforest. If you lot already have a professional level of editing experience you might opt for software like Final Cut Pro. Nonetheless, if you have minimal editing experience or none at all, Wevideo will allow yous to brand professional-looking videos with graphics, royalty-free music, groundwork images, and more. It is ane of the best video editing software on the market for not-professional editors and is relatively inexpensive at merely $fifteen.99 a month.
  • A green screen. The greenish screen allows you to swap out the groundwork for any image you desire. It makes information technology easier to add images, graphics, and b-roll footage.
  • A script. If you desire to use a full script there are apps like Teleprompter lite that you tin use to turn a laptop or tablet into a teleprompter so you can read the script while looking into the photographic camera.

It's fine if you can't afford a professional setup. Try with whatever equipment you can get your hands on. Just remember that a more professional-looking product is often perceived as more valuable by your audience. If you tin can, invest in yourself.

Lights, camera, action!

Now that you picked a bailiwick and have all the right gear, it's time to shoot some video!

Place the green screen on the wall behind you. Make sure you pull the greenish screen taut so that in that location are no wrinkles or sagging as that can show up in the videos when y'all edit the background.

Then set upward the camera on a tripod in front of you and identify the lights behind the camera. Once you accept your little mini-studio set up-up it's time to tape.

Do a test recording outset to brand sure that you lot look and audio adept. If you lot encounter whatsoever sort of shadow on your face up or body, accommodate the lights accordingly to eliminate it.

One thing that has helped people like Ryan Deiss and Ryan Levesque create great video content is recording each video at least three times. For whatever reason it takes about three times to Really nail the delivery.

3. Choose where you desire to host and sell courses online

Your online course needs to alive somewhere online. You'll want a hosting system that makes the class piece of cake to access, let's yous customize information technology with your branding, and looks professional.

There are 3 options when it comes to hosting and selling your online grade:

  1. An online course platform designed to meet all the needs of a course creator, from video hosting to marketing (more than on this below).
  2. Self-hosting. Set up up your own server with a hosting company to host and sell online courses from your own website. While it can be expensive and a scrap technical, self-hosting gives you lot complete freedom and power over your material.
  3. An online course marketplace. The final pick for hosting is to apply a learning marketplace such as Udemy or Masterclass. Marketplace platforms host your course and let you customize your branding. Note that these platforms tend to take restrictive rules and may charge for up to l% of your revenue.

iii types of online course platforms

An online course platform is a hosting solution specifically designed to help course creators grow their business concern. There are four types of online course platforms.

  1. Standalone platforms
  • Provide everything yous need to host your form along with support and educational resources.
  • Some stand-alone platforms have marketing functionality, but it is commonly very express.
  • Best for solo entrepreneurs or small-scale business concern owners who:
  • Desire a turnkey way to create online courses.
  • Don't demand a platform to create marketing/sales funnels and automations.
  1. WordPress plug-ins/themes
  • WordPress plugin platforms are cheap tools that permit you lot to create and sell an online course with an existing WordPress site.
  • May require better-than-boilerplate technical skills.
  • Merely buy plugins from reputable companies that take been around for a while and take successful students. Your whole business organisation can exist shut downwards for days or longer if you purchase an off-brand plugin from a fly-by-night developer.
  • Best for form creators who already have a WordPress site that gets a lot of traffic.
  1. All-In-I platforms
  • Provide everything you need to create and sell courses from your own website.
  • Features may include website builders, marketing automations, course hosting, and customs management tools.
  • Some all-in-one platforms (like Kajabi) won't accept a single cent of your acquirement, but others will. Do your research!
  • Best for anyone who is looking to create and sell courses online, regardless of feel level.

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iv. Decide how much to charge for your online course

Someone using a calculator to determine how much to charge for their online course

How much should I accuse for my course?

This is ane of the virtually common questions when trying to figure out how to sell courses online. Pricing can be a bit of a guessing game. It will take some trial and error to figure out the perfect price.

It's not until you create and sell online courses regularly that yous'll know what your lifetime client value is. For now, you're going to accept to practice some calculating and testing.

Online courses can price anywhere from $5 to $2,000. Your first online form is probably going to fall somewhere within the $50-$200 range. This tin can vary based on your topic, audience, and expertise.

When determining the price of your online form, consider the post-obit:

  • How much y'all spend to create, host, and marketplace the grade
  • Competitor pricing
  • Your target audience's income level. How much do you predict they are willing to spend?

In that location are 3 basic ways yous tin structure payments when yous sell online courses. These include:

  1. One lump sum payment for lifetime access to the course
  2. Lower, recurring membership fees (due east.g. monthly payments)
  3. Multiple payments, or a payment plan, where the audience tin spread a one-time price over multiple payments.

Evaluate your target marketplace to determine how y'all want to structure payment. Are they able to beget a high price? Or is it a group who might exist more willing to buy if they don't accept to spend too much up front?

five. Increase the value (and price) of your online course

I way to increase the cost of your online course it to add value to information technology. You tin can do this by:

  • Offering bonus materials
  • Using upsells

Include bonuses in your digital class

Man doing research at a coffee shop

Every practiced online course offer has bonuses. You can build a solid offering of bonus material by:

  • Edifice relationships with other experts and including their content as a bonus.
  • Creating your ain supplements similar reports, example studies, templates, and extra lessons.
  • Offering referral bonuses to students who invite a friend to take your classes.

Make sure that you lot place a high cash value on these bonuses. This will let you lot to promote a high added value to your class.

Include upsells in your digital class

I of the best means to brand more money on your course is to offering boosted products during purchase. These are chosen upsells.

Upsells create another purchase opportunity before the initial transaction is over. Hither are two like shooting fish in a barrel upsells basically everyone can offer with their first class:

  • Coaching. You tin offering one-on-ane phone coaching, a monthly webinar, email coaching, or even meet up in person. Coaching is often a loftier-priced item.
  • Live group training. Offer a group preparation with more in-depth didactics and word topics.

Both of these products are relevant to your online form and should be appealing to your market place.

Kajabi offers what's called a "one-click upsell" where a 2d product or service can be added to an gild at the click of a button. Best of all, users don't have to enter in their credit carte du jour details again

Offers in the Kajabi platform

6. Seed launch your online course

With your online course produced, it'south fourth dimension to see if it's fix for the public. Exam your grade out to help y'all discover whatsoever kinks you can resolve before launch.

Online entrepreneur Jeff Walker likes to talk well-nigh a "seed launch." This is a small soft launch to aid verify there's a profitable market for your product. This blazon of launch is platonic if you have a pocket-size list (30-100 names), or no list at all.

The seed launch will enable you lot to:

  • Converse with and refine your target market
  • Uncover the most significant questions and needs
  • Identify what the market really needs, wants, and is willing to pay for

The beautiful thing almost a seed launch is that you don't accept to create a whole marketing sequence for information technology.

You lot could have a seed launch by sending a complimentary trial offer to a modest segment of students from:

  • Your email list
  • Followers on social media
  • Friends and family unit
  • Networking events

You lot may not sell a lot of courses with the seed launch. That'due south okay. Your principal goal is to gauge the interest from your audience and test to encounter if the thought is viable and valuable.

Accept what you learn from your seed launch and comprise it into your overall marketing strategy.

7. Market and sell your online courses

Merely because you build it doesn't mean they'll come. You're going to have to market your online grade for it to be successful. Marketing is building a relationship with your customers, with the ultimate goal of getting them to purchase or engage with your business concern.

Hither are merely a few means to market and sell courses online:

  • Create and optimize your website. Your online course should take its own sales page to inform customers nearly the course and persuade them to join.

Building a website in the Kajabi platform

  • Create useful marketing content. Start your own blog, create marketing videos, or participate in Facebook Groups.
  • Boost your social media presence. There are billions of people on social media every day. Make sure yous're engaging wherever your audition is on social media.
  • Build an email list. Electronic mail continues to exist a powerful marketing tool. You tin build an email list past using social media and creating forms on your website.
  • Partner with other entrepreneurs. Yous're non in this lonely. Sometimes, you lot can partner with an existing online entrepreneur to sell your course. Reach out to those you lot admire and encounter how you can partner in a mutually beneficial way.

You can automate your online course marketing with tools like Kajabi. We've created marketing pipelines that will help you move potential customers through your sales funnel.

Marketing Pipelines inside the Kajabi platform

How to choose the right market for selling online courses

The greatest online course in the world will be a failure without a strong market. If nobody wants your product, information technology doesn't matter how good the product is.

You must discover who your digital production is for. That ways finding the people who are most likely going to buy your online course.

It's ever tempting to take the largest market possible. After all, if your market is 300 million people, y'all simply need less than 1% to be successful, right?

The reality is that large markets are often crowded and competitive. It's best to start with a core target audience (even if it's small) and serve it well. You can always create other courses to aggrandize your target market place.

Equally your brand grows, you may find that your digital course resonates with a dissimilar audience than you originally idea. Be flexible plenty to respond if your market evolves or changes. Exist sure to contain data and learning into your approach.

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8. Create a buyer's journeying for your online course

A buyer's journey is the series of choices your target audience makes while researching a purchase.

There are three major stages in the heir-apparent'due south journey:

  1. Sensation: Your market is aware there's a problem. They're starting to expect for solutions.
  2. Consideration: Your market starts looking for solutions to that problem.
  3. Decision: People in your market make a purchase.

Your marketing efforts should aid guide potential customers through the customer journeying. Each footstep will require a different blazon of content strategy.

For instance, here's how you might apply a video and social media marketing strategy in the buyer's journey:

  1. Awareness: Create an educational video addressing the biggest hurting points of your target audience. Publish and promote it to a broad audition on social for the widest accomplish.
  2. Consideration: Create a client testimonial video where a by student of yours discusses how much your course helped them. Share information technology with your followers on social.
  3. Determination: Create a FAQ video near your online course to make the buy process a breeze. Answer the questions yourself so viewers can encounter your expertise and go to know y'all better as a person.

How you lot craft your heir-apparent's journey volition depend on your target audience and preferred marketing channels. Don't be agape to experiment with different content types. You might just stumble beyond a strategy that makes your online form sell like crazy.

nine. Get people to purchase and recommend your courses in the futurity

A student on their laptop

Congratulations! You've come up with an online course, marketed information technology, and sold a bunch. At present what?

At present it'due south time to make sure that your students relish every bit much success every bit possible. When your students feel that they gained something from your online course, they are more probable to buy other courses from yous in the hereafter.

More importantly, a happy pupil is likely to tell their friends and family about your course. Word-of-oral fissure marketing is the most effective fashion to sell online courses and costs you practically nothing.

You tin can ensure your students' success and happiness with these tips:

  • Focus on customer experience.
  • How do y'all make your customers feel throughout their interactions with your business? Are you creating a positive and memorable experience for them?
  • Once you have launched your class go through the marketing pipeline yourself. What does it feel similar? What is it missing?
  • Map out your student journey.
  • As you create and sell your online course, you want to go an idea of what your students go through. The better you understand and support your student'south journeying, the more than they'll spread the give-and-take almost their fantastic experience.
  • Use a software called Fullstory to scout how your students collaborate with your course. Map out their journey from start to stop. Make notes of what milestones, small wins, and setbacks there are.
  • Foster a community.
  • Many of the most successful online courses take a customs built around them. This is where students can interact and support each other.
  • Social media is the virtually effective medium for fostering community. Create a Facebook group, make Instagram Live videos, or start your own Twitter hashtag to maximize engagement.
  • Encourage your students to re-sentry your content.
  • The more than your students go through your materials, the more than value they will gain from it. Be sure to recommend re-watching specific modules in your community, on your live chats, and in your form.
  • Become and utilise feedback.
  • Another style to aid your students succeed is to listen to them. Gather feedback on your class through assessments or email surveys. Use their responses to make your grade meliorate.
  • Consistently update your course.
  • You should update your course at least once a yr. This shows your students that you care well-nigh them having the most upward-to-date information, even afterwards they bought your course.
  • Add troubleshooting and FAQ content.
  • As you update your course and get feedback you may starting time to find patterns in the user experience. Accept the opportunity to plow those bug into troubleshooting and FAQ content.
  • Past addressing the most common questions, you make it easy for students to find the assist they need while reducing the corporeality of fourth dimension you spend answering back up tickets.
  • Keep track of your students' progress.
  • Keeping rails of your student's progress is easy to do when you but first out. This can go more challenging as your business organization and the number of students grows.
  • Pick ii to three students to keep an middle on. Follow them on social media, send them emails from fourth dimension-to-fourth dimension to cheque in. These students will be your canary in the coal mine to flag whatsoever potential bug.

Follow these suggestions and your students will feel heard, important, and that they spent their money wisely. A happy customer base is the foundation for selling online courses long-term.

Real-life Heroes who successfully created and sold online courses

Guitar player teaching an online course

Whether you lot want to create a side-hustle or kickoff a completely new business, an online course is a neat manner to generate acquirement online. Here are some types of entrepreneurs who could be good candidates for creating and selling online courses:

YouTubers: Creating an online form is a great way to monetize your following on YouTube. YouTuber Jordan Cheyenne uses Kajabi to brand over $40,000 using a diverseness of income sources, including an online course.

In this video, she goes through her income streams and gives a design for success for anyone using YouTube.

Podcasters: If yous have a podcast, creating an online form can be a great way to generate acquirement while also increasing your authority and getting your message out.

Kajabi Hero Angie Lee

Angie Lee uses her podcast to promote her courses on niche marketing and using Instagram stories.

Authors: Selling an online course based on your book is a great mode for authors to add an additional revenue stream to their writing career.

Best-Selling author Rachel Hollis

Rachel Hollis the NYC Best-selling writer of mega-striking "Girl, Wash Your Face." and sequel "Girl, Terminate Apologizing" created an online grade with Kajabi to grow her fempire.

Speakers: Speakers ofttimes find that as they become more than successful, they are still stuck trading fourth dimension for money. And at that place are only so many speeches you lot can give.

Brendon Burchard at Kajabi Impact 2019

Brendon Burchard, 1 of the world's nigh successful speakers, initially started using Kajabi to sell his books, but eventually, he used Kajabi to create a variety of online courses that give him passive income between speeches.

Run across exactly how Brendon Burchard designs his landing pages on Kajabi to sell!

Coaches and Consultants: Coaches and consultants are another group that really benefit from selling online courses. Coaches tin suspension out of the time-for-money trade, while consultants can create and sell trainings for companies and individuals alike.

Kajabi Hero James Wedmore

James Wedmore is a coach who helps entrepreneurs master their inner game to become unstoppable. James uses Kajabi to become his message out and help even more than entrepreneurs unlock their hidden potential.

If you have a skill, a passion, an audience, or content that people want, so selling an online course is a keen way to generate acquirement.

How a Kajabi Hero used online courses to become a NY Times All-time Selling Author

While many businesses create and sell courses online to generate revenue, others also apply online courses to market place and generate leads. Online courses can play a large role in your overall content marketing strategy.

Our very own Kajabi Hero Chalene Johnson flipped the script a few years agone and created a gratuitous online course to build her email list.

Kajabi Hero and best-selling author Chalene Johnson

Hither's what Chalene did:

  • Starting time, Chalene'south created a Kajabi class called "The 30-mean solar day push challenge".
  • In the thirty-day push button challenge, Chalene taught goal setting in a very uncomplicated way.
  • The goal of the product was to help her students attain their big goal for the year in merely xxx days.
  • Chalene filmed one video a mean solar day for 30 days and permit the Kajabi system accept care of the residue.
  • With Kajabi, no matter when a student joined the xxx-day push button challenge the organization automatically delivered the correct videos in the right order!
  • Chalene appear the xxx-24-hour interval challenge in December and by January had more 75,000 people join!
  • The 30-day push challenge was and so successful that Chalene connected to use the free course to build her listing for more than 5 years.
  • That list too helped Chalene get a New York Times best-selling author!

Chalene says

"Without that list, I congenital using Kajabi, I would non have go a New York Times All-time Selling Author."

The 30-day button claiming worked and then well that it was Chalene'due south only atomic number 82 generation tool for 5 years!

Start Selling Your Online Class

Let's epitomize the 9 essential steps for selling your online course:

  1. Choose a subject that sells. Consider something that will assistance people advance in their careers or beef upwardly their resumes.
  2. Create your online class. Use the right equipment and script to ensure you're producing high-quality content.
  3. Cull where to host and sell your course. What type of platform will you apply? Are y'all technical plenty to do it all on your own, or is an all-in-one solution ameliorate for your needs?
  4. Determine how much you will accuse. It'll accept some trial and error, simply typically online courses kickoff out between $fifty - $200.
  5. Increase the value (and price) of your course. Employ upsells and bonus content to increment the value of your offering and cost up appropriately.
  6. Seed launch your online class. Release your form material to a pocket-size list and brand any necessary adjustments before launching it to the public.
  7. Market place and sell your online form. Create marketing content and use channels like social and email to get the give-and-take out about your form.
  8. Create a buyer's journey. Create a sales strategy around the unlike steps of the buyer's journeying.
  9. Get people to purchase and recommend your courses in the future. Do any y'all can to show your customers you intendance and that you lot're listening. They volition get loyal advocates for your brand and assist proceed your concern going in the long run.

Now that you're armed with the cognition to successfully sell courses online, it's time for you to go out and make that money. In that location's a ton of opportunity. Y'all simply have to know how to capitalize on it.

Creating and Selling Online Courses: FAQs

How do I sell a course online?

To sell courses online, you'll demand to create niche-focused educational/instructional textile. Host your form on an all-in-one platform, where you tin marketplace it and build a community of students. Define your target audience. Create marketing and sales content for the Sensation, Consideration, and Decisions stages of the heir-apparent'due south journey to encourage people to buy your course. Promote your course on social, email, and online.

What online courses sell all-time?

People changing careers, starting careers, or developing skills to further their careers tend to buy online courses more than anyone else. Many tiptop-selling courses focus on computers and technology or business organization and entrepreneurship.

How do online tutorials make coin?

Online tutorials make money by providing value to learners. Instructors can leverage their expertise to create lessons that help people solve their problems. You can charge people one lump sum for access to all your online courses or arrive a recurring monthly fee.

What makes an online course successful?

There are many factors that go in to making an online course successful such equally level of demand and a practiced marketing strategy. Naught, still, factors in more towards a successful online grade than the quality of the content.

How can I make money selling online courses?

To make coin selling online courses, identify your areas of expertise (areas where you have above-average noesis) and the people who tin can do good from that expertise. Create lessons that help those people understand the topic and solve specific issues they have. Terminal but not least, plan on how you're going to disseminate the course. Promote it with solid content and video marketing and support information technology with a well-built website.

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